Guest communication
How the offer is communicated to guests is crucial. But what is important here?

The most beautiful food presentation is ineffective if it is not accompanied by appropriate communication measures. Therefore, communicate the set measures accordingly to ensure that they are perceived by the guests. Research results show that many change processes, e.g. the change towards a more sustainable menu, fail due to a lack of communication.
Furthermore, communication measures help to build a positive image of the business among stakeholders and especially guests. You can make your menu and the food experience for your guests unique by creating a more sustainable menu. Subsequently, developing a more sustainable menu creates a lot of marketing opportunities.
To adequately inform your guests, it is equally important to develop a mission statement and formulate goals: Inform your guests of the goals you want to achieve. In the area of sustainable food, there are many topics that you can communicate to your guests, such as the origin and seasonality of the food you use, production methods, ingredients and nutritional values of your food.
In addition, animal and species conservation are of immense importance when it comes to communication strategies for sustainable food. Many species are threatened with extinction. NGOs such as the Worlwide Fund for Nature (WWF) regularly publish guides on sustainable purchasing in various languages. Unfortunately, the list of endangered species is nevertheless growing longer and longer. Therefore, all the more emphasis should be placed on communicating these problem areas.