Food and its global significance – Facts

Food is the most important basis for human life. But what people eat is not only important for them and their environment, it is also of great significance for the economy and society as a whole. Read here why.

5 pillars – Facts

What is sustainable food all about? Here we explain why it is important to view food as a holistic, sustainable concept and on which 5 pillars the concept is based.

Implementation process – Tips

Creating a sustainable food offering is a multi-step process chain. We’ll explain what it’s all about here.

5 Steps to Sustainability – Tips

The food service industry offers great opportunities for culinary innovation and uniqueness, while also protecting the climate and nature. Here are 5 steps to a successful sustainability strategy.

Checklist: Sustainable Food Strategies

This checklist supports you in the introduction of a sustainable food strategy and the implementation of operational measures.